music licensing

Welcome to the 5th installment of the music licensing journey.  You may need to go back to the 1st week here, if you have no clue what’s going on.  Let me continue to shout out my guy Clint who is the inspiration of this case study.  He continues to get more and more of his music placed on very popular tv shows among others. Check out the breakdown of one of his placements.  [youtube url=”” width=”400″ height=”200″] My goal is to follow in his footsteps and share my journey into music licensing.  The purpose of this case study is to encourage all those who are interested, to get into music licensing as well.


Stay Consistent

As promised I will continue to update my progress according to whether anything happens or not.  One of the most important lessons, I’ve learned so far is to stay consistent.  You can’t expect to hear anything from anyone if you don’t reach out on a consistent basis.  In my opinion, I believe that how fast something pops off can be determined by how much you put out in regards to emails, phone conversations, and music submissions.

Having said that, i’ve actually heard from a few music library companies.  Some unfortunately were not accepting any more submissions.  One however did invite me to send some stuff for review.  That actually got me a little excited because it told me that it’s possible.  Now I have to play the waiting game.  I’ve also learned the importance of having patience.  In between time, I plan on continuing to reach out to different companies and building a nice library of beats solely for the purpose of getting them licensed.  I will definitely keep you guys posted and if you have any questions or comments feel free to drop them below.  Check out Previous Week

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How To License Your Music Case Study Part 5

